Tuesday, September 24, 2013

5 Steps to Sell Your Stuff

Need cash today? I've been there many times and learned a lot over the years. Selling your stuff can result in a fair transaction for buyer and seller if you follow some protocols. 
We've all heard an anecdotal story about someone finding a piece of jewelry in their grandmother's estate or at a flea market and it turns out to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. We hate to burst your bubble but that is more rare than an incorruptible politician. The good part is that doesn't meant that there's money to be made; in fact there's plenty and with a little effort, you can cash in on selling.

1. Find items: We're not advocating coveting your child's favorite toy, but you can look around your house and find things that you haven't used in ages or that brand new item someone gave to you and you never used. Check your closets, jewelry boxes, garage, basement and other hiding places where you stash items. Most likely once you start finding things, you won't be able to stop.

2. Find the Value: Here you will have to do a little research and the internet will be your friend. Check around and get some ideas of the going rate for your item. Use places like amazon, half, ebay, google shopping, etc. If the price is all over the place then the condition of the product is a high importance on the value. For example, if you're selling gold for scrap the condition means nothing since it's sold by karat and weight. If you're selling a collectible doll, the condition is key. Which leads us right to #3.

3. Optimize the item's condition: At this point, you will need to clean it up, replace any parts that will make it sell for more money, buff, clean and look for any original boxes, papers etc. Keep in mind that some cleansers or even water can ruin your item. You will want to research the safest way to clean or primp your item for sale. Again, the internet is your friend for looking up the optimal way of cleaning. Don't just trust any website, even large corporations that are touting their products. You need to find testimonials, feedback and common sense on how to best get your item ready for sale. 

4. Find your Market: Again, back to research. Some items are much better sold locally and some items can be mailed out. Do some internet research and local research via newspaper, Craig's List, Angie's List, etc. 

5. Beat your Competition: List your price a little lower than the median price you've found during your research. There may be one other reason that allows you to garner more value than your competition… offer an added value your competitors do not offer. For example, if your book is signed by the author than it has more value than those in the same condition. The rule of thumb is price is the main motivating factor when selling items for fast cash.

Cash/Money Buyers has a zip code search to find buyers in your area. Sellers can list themselves in a category of their expertise all for free!

Now you have a bit of a picture of how to sell items for fast cash. Start with something small until you get the real hang of it. Next thing you know you'll be an expert at selling items for cash.

Until next Tip!
- Brian

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